SNORING REMEDIES: Information Of Sleep Snoring

>> Thursday, December 24, 2009

Snoring remedies - Information About Sleep Snoring. Excessive consumption of alcohol and even some types of drugs that cause snoring all have occurred because the throat muscles relax too much, and this makes the bulk fat in a position to block the flow of air through excessive play of the night.

Inhaled through the mouth. You need to keep you well on your tongue while sleeping to prevent, understand snoring. You can develop a product to prevent mouth during sleep to snoring are maintained. Some products are Chin-up strips, snore stopper, Snorgon, snoring and cap.

It is connected to the obstruction of the airway in the throat or tonsil tissue and affects the breathing, which produces irritating sounds.

Almost anyone can suffer from snoring at any age, but it is likely that people age. But there are other factors that increase the likelihood of snoring, sleep, like alcohol, drugs, smoking, and how we do. People who snore are constantly asked to change their habits and sleeping positions, but a new and better sleep position and sleep on your side is not always pleasant or easy to achieve or get used to it, unless adequate support. Here, the Better Sleep Pillow demonstrates its usefulness and why sleep is highly recommended by doctors and specialists.

However, the presence of a sleep disorder snoring is actually a clear warning of serious health problems than a sleep disorder snoring. There are two types of snoring sleep disorders: a sleep disturbance of primary snoring and other snoring is obstructive sleep apnea. The first sleep disorder snoring is widespread. The second snoring sleep disorder, obstructive sleep apnea, snoring is ultimately a sleep disorder that can eventually kill.

OK, come a little closer to them. Most people drink alcohol, which helps them relax. It puts the stress of the day behind them and allowed to drift to sleep with ease. Unfortunately, the "relaxation" and relaxing the airway muscles - the muscles that keep the airway open so he can breathe. So, believe it or not, the relaxation to help you, you can opt for sleep apnea, sleep may consist of relaxing or holding lead effectively.

When asleep, you should have your head in an elevated position. This process takes the load in the air if the dream and support to stop snoring.

Of course you can stop snoring by selecting your diet too much processed food is healthy and based on fruits, vegetables, legumes and grains. These foods are packed with vitamins and nutrients that you feel full and less likely to snack on unhealthy foods.

Snoring Treatments vary, and some in a spray, which covers the mouth and tongue base to reduce vibration, and some consisting of a strip of plaster on the nose or nostril dilators actually going to maintain its nose to nose open - The latter apparently are not painful, but you can take a little getting used to - and I have a snoring cure, a ribbon around the jaw and the top of the head seen in the lower jaw to keep head.

Snoring Remedies


Snoring Remedies Causes Of Snoring In Children

>> Sunday, July 5, 2009

snoring remedies children

Snoring Remedies

Occasional snoring may be normal to children. Recent studies show that 3 to 12 percent of children between the age of 1 and 9 snore. But frequency doesn’t mean normality. Habitual snoring can be a cause of a more serious medical condition called obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) or simply, sleep apnea.

Sleep apnea is a condition characterized by loud snoring with periods of breathing interruptions. Interruptions may be short or prolonged, usually between 5 to 30 seconds. During this period, the child's could not get straight sleep. He rouses and moves to another sleeping position, then resumes sleep. After a while he will once again begin snoring. This activity often happens several times during the night, each night. Although this condition rarely appears on children, it is very important that parents should watch out for symptoms that come along with it.

Symptoms of sleep apnea include:

• Poor speech habits - talking that sounds like words over a mouthful of hot potato.
• Reduced growth rate. Children suffering from sleep apnea use more energy in breathing during the night. During meals, they tend to eat slowly since it is hard for them to breathe and chew at the same time. The result is, they have insufficient nutrients to support their growth.
• Hyperactivity. Lack of sleep can cause drowsiness on children during the day. To stay awake, children act frantically.
• Poor performance in school. Since children do not get the right sleep during the night, they tend to appear tired and lack the concentration to focus at school, thus, having a poor performance.

When these symptoms are visible, it is imperative for parents to bring their child to a pediatrician and have him examined (snoring solution). A child can be happy and smiling when he is brought to the doctor and therefore, it is difficult to diagnose if he really has sleep apnea. Parents are advised to record their child's snoring so that the doctor can analyze the situation in actually.

Meanwhile, sleep apnea is not the sole reason why children snore. Other reasons include allergy attack, obesity, asthma, and enlargement of adenoids and/or tonsils caused by cold or tonsillitis.

Some allergy attacks can cause swelling on the linings of the nose that can direct to the enlargement of adenoids. This keeps the child from breathing normally. This causes the child to snore. After the allergy attack, the snoring stops.

Obesity can also lead to snoring. In fact, 20% and 40% of the obese children snore. This is because fats can form around the throat that can cause constriction and makes the limited airways. Also, fats in the stomach can cause the diaphragm to function irregularly

Asthma is said to be another cause why children snore. A study revealed that 40% of the children diagnosed with asthma snore.

Enlargement of adenoids and/or tonsils caused by cold or tonsillitis also results to snoring. While cold or tonsillitis can be cured by decongestant and antibiotics, adenoid enlargement is treated by surgical procedure to remove adenoids and tonsils.

Underdevelopment of the jaw inside the womb can cause snoring as well. There is also the possibility that the nerves and the muscles cannot control the airway properly and cause that child to snore.

Snoring remedies


Stop Snoring Device (Snoring Remedies): Temporary Measures to Avoid Sleepless Nights

>> Wednesday, June 17, 2009

stop snoring device

Snoring Remedies

Sometimes, the best help we can get are those that do not exceed temporary cures. We may find good use with reforming our anatomy yet many would rather choose the simpler methods than take "unnecessary" risks.

In this article, we will give you ideas of how to provide treatments for your often-irksome snoring.

You must understand though that if you do not wish to avail of the many technologically advanced methods, you can always set off snoring through natural and less intensive cures.

You may find that many of the innovative treatments for snoring are only variations of the sock-and-tennis-ball method, which intended to keep the snorer sleep on his side.

Snoring is the condition wherein the respiratory system creates resonating sounds during sleep. While we literally breathe 24 hours without skip, snoring is only possible when someone is at his most restful state.

The muscles of the throat only vibrates when they are relaxed, thus producing snores. This then will be driven with the regular airflow which creates the sounds. Most treatments for snoring include the control of these muscles.

However, there is also a certain type of snoring that causes the person to temporarily skip breathing (an average of 10 seconds for each episode). With proper diagnosis, well-adopted treatment plans can be conceived.

While there may not be available products for permanently cure snoring, there are wide options for relief.

CPAP or Continuous Positive Airway Pressure Appliance is among the most recommended stop snoring device. This is a special mask connected to a pump that keeps the throat from vibrating through causing pressure. This is best used for short term application since most patients report of inconvenience after a year of use. The product costs around $1,000 up to $3,000.

The head of the snorer must be kept elevated to keep him from making loud, disturbing sounds. This will relieve the diaphragm from pressure to help keep an open air passage. While adjustable beds may not be as often advertised as other products, they are considered helpful in providing immediate treatment. Products such as these cost around $800 to $1000.

Anti-snoring pillows are also available to keep you from sleeping head flat. Prices range from $20 to $75, depending on the manufacturer.

Nasal Valve Dilators, on the other hand, are made specifically for mild snorers. There are two basic types: the adhesive strip that is attached on the nasal bridge and the plastic strip that is inserted in the nostrils.

The latter is often reported of leaving the snorer with uncomfortable sleep and requires annual replacement while the adhesive strip normally falls off during sleep and can possibly cause skin irritation.

Stop snoring sprays are also available for those who's snoring is due to clogged nasal passages due to mucous or swelling. Be careful though not to go for the "softening tissue sprays" since these products can cause advert side effects with long term use. And besides, snoring either roots from dry throat or tough tissues in the respiratory tract so most people see stop snoring spray as the most ineffective means of giving you comfortable sleep.

A great number of stop snoring products are available for immediate treatment. Consider them as good help but refrain from relying on them to give you the permanent cure against uncomfortable sleep.

Snoring Remedies


Snoring Remedies: Snoring Treatment Through Surgery

>> Friday, June 5, 2009

snoring remedies snoring treatment

snoring remedies

Snoring is among the most common sleep problems. While it is neither a delibitating nor death threatening condition, it still causes some grave problems that may or may not directly root from its effects.

Most middle-aged men are the victims and there is high risk towards obese persons. This is true since fleshy necks are most likely to have more muscles that would collapse during relaxed breathing.

Snoring roots from narrowed air passage in between the throat and the nose. When we sleep, this passage narrows due to relaxation of the tissues. This explains why we only snore when we are at our most restful position.

With a narrowed passage, the pressure of the air from the mouth and back are highly increased. Thus, this will drive the flapping muscles to vibrate more, which in turn create the snoring sounds.

Anything that helps narrow the air passage and the muscles to relax will most likely initiate the vibrations. Say, substances that promote muscle relaxation will encourage the tongue to fall back or the throat muscles to be relived from tension.

Stuffy nose can also be considered as a culprit since it limits the space in which air can pass through. Thus, there are specific cases of snoring that only occur when one has colds or inflamed sinuses.

Snoring can also be attributed to the position by which the patient sleeps. Sleeping on one's back will cause your tongue and throat muscles to be pulled back by gravity. Therefore, patients are advised to get used with a sideward sleep position (snoring solution).

Since the only problem here is the unwanted relaxation of the muscles and tissues lining the respiratory tract, specifically the throat and the nasal passages, the most possible cure is to repair any excess muscles.

An otolaryngologist will help determine what truly causes your snoring problem and informs you how to stop snoring (snoring remedies). He is a specialist in conditions that are directly linked with ear, nose and throat problems. He is the only authority that can create a thorough examination of your condition.

The traditional method of surgery for snoring is the uvulopalatoharyngoplasty or UPPP, which aims to widen the air passages. This process normally removes excess tissues that cause the narrowing of the throat, including uvula tissue, adenoids, tonsils and those that are covered by the pharynx.

The more intensive version of this method called laser-assisted uvulopalatoplasty or LAUP uses laser in the removal of the muscles that inhibit normal air passage.

Both methods normally work best for mild snorers and don't necessarily work for those who are suffering from sleep apnea or disruptive snoring.

Nasal surgery, on the other hand, is recommended for patients whose snoring is caused by unnecessary blockage in the nasal septum.

Tongue Suspension Procedure is a method that aims to keep the tongue from falling back. This is done by inserting a small screw in the lower jaw to which the tongue is stitched below.

Shrinking of throat tissue is also a common method of creating solutions. Somnoplasty is a method that uses an electrode needle that release energy to shrink the excess tissue. This then will be reabsorbed by the body.

Surgery may not be a simple way of fixing your floppy throat muscles. But this procedure creates the ultimate solutions. Remember though that there are specific methods for specific causes. Be careful that you first discuss all concerns with your physician so that proper treatment is delivered to you.

snoring remedies - snoring treatment


Contributing Factors and Subsequent Snoring Remedies

>> Friday, May 29, 2009

remedies of snoring

Snoring Remedies

Snoring is the noise produced through vibrating throat components. This occurs only during sleep since this is when our muscles are most relaxed. Relaxation of the muscles can inhibit the passage of normal airflow since the muscles fall back to cause blockage, narrowing the passage itself.

Remedies for snoring require careful studies on the related factors that either aggravate the condition or cause the condition itself. Once the roots are known, the growth of the problems can then be stopped.

Because of sedentary life, physiological problems and too rich foods, people are more susceptible to developing conditions that lead to snores. It has been a common knowledge that overweight people are most likely to snore than the healthier ones. This is because their throats tend to be fleshier. Thus, there are more blockages that can narrow the air passages. To reverse this, overweight sufferers are advised to reduce some weights, this does not only add to the comfort but will also reduce the likelihood of snoring more intensely.

The collapse of the throat muscles due to relaxation can be an immediate cause of problem snoring. It is advisable not take any alcoholic substances right before bedtime to avoid adding up to the abnormalities in the muscles.

Among the many undesirable effects of smoking in the body is the modification of the throat cells. This change will cause mucus build up to accommodate the smoke and nicotine passing through the tract without causing inflammation. However, due to the abnormal release of mucus, the mucous membranes in the throat and the esophagus will swell, causing blockages in the small vessels in the lungs.

Sleep pattern
There are two crucial stages of sleep that can affect your general breathing during the night. The Stage 1 is considered to be the stage when one has just fallen to sleep. This will repeat when sleep is disturbed by any stimuli. The other stage is the REM Sleep or the Rapid Eye Movement Sleep wherein dreams occur.

A person who snores is most likely to have unbalanced breathing during sleeping. This may be due to the noise or the frequent grunts coming from his or her bed partner.

It is best to establish a good sleeping habit so that breathing can be regulated. All you need is 8 hours of sleep, therefore create the best possible environment so that you might get everything your body requires.

Sleeping habits
It is a common knowledge that those who sleep on their backs usually have more episodes of snoring than those who sleep on their sides. Coupled with the pull of gravity on the tongue and throat muscles, sleeping on the back creates more restful positions for the throat. Thus, if there were any floppy flesh hanging around, it is likely that the air that passes through the tract would push the relaxed muscles upward.

Sleeping at an elevated position would also provide you some relief. 30 degrees must be the elevation so that the diaphragm would be relaxed and that the tongue would be kept from falling back.

Medical Problems
Any cause of throat blockage can be a threat to your peaceful sleep. Allergies and other irritation on its tissues can cause swelling or inflammation. Large adenoids, large tonsils, excess mass on the throat and changes in the construction of the cells can clog the air passage. For these, surgery is normally advised.

snoring remedies


Advises on Snoring Prevention (Snoring Remedies)

>> Wednesday, May 27, 2009

snoring remedies

snoring remedies

Knowing what causes snoring can greatly help you both to find relief if you are already suffering from its effects or to find ways of preventing yourself from becoming a poor victim.

Though not regularly the cause of aggravated problems (except for social embarrassment and potential risks of discontented relationship), it is still best if you are not a sufferer yourself.

Many fall victim in this noisy nighttime dilemma. While some are not aware that they have the condition, many are known to seek ways to get around the troubles that it causes.

Like most other conditions, snoring can be prevented (snoring solution). If you are close to becoming a snorer yourself or if you know one who shows initial signs of developing this condition, you can find good use in the advises that we have in this article. Please read on.

Snoring occurs when the collapsible part of the throat meets. Coupled with the passage of air into the throat, these dangling parts are likely to produce vibrations that create the noisy sounds. Why this condition occurs at night is not a mystery.

While it is true that we breathe 24 hours a day, we only snore when our body is totally relaxed. Thus, it is often advised that snorers maintain a tensed sleeping position until the body gets used to this state.

If you do not like the idea, however, you can prevent snoring (snoring remedies) through practicing a sideward sleeping position to widen the passage through which air may run through. This passage is congested when we sleep on our backs since our heads are forced to fall back. Additionally, our lower jaw is encouraged to open, therefore creating a space wherein the tongue can droop back. When this occurs, the normal air passage will be obstructed by these components.

We all know that when a passage narrows, the pressure that regularly runs through it will increase. This principle occurs in the throat which explains why there are people who snore and there are those who don't, and why snores come in different intensity and sounds.

Obesity is known to induce snoring. This is due to the fact that heavier people are more likely to have extra (and often unnecessary tissues). The neck of an overweight person is known to have more muscles and adipose tissues that hamper the normal delivery of breathing.

Thus, to prevent the possibility of producing nighttime respiratory vibration, one is advised to refrain from gaining too much weight. Not only would you escape from major health threats such as general unhealthiness of the body or coronary diseases, you can also save yourself from distracting your bed partner's sleep and your own.

Some people practice mouth breathing. Add to the fact that this is generally not a healthy practice, mouth breathing can also raise one's susceptibility towards snoring. It may seem awkward to switch back to nasal breathing initially though, but in time you would learn to breathe naturally using your nose while sleeping. In the end, you would be thankful that you took time and learned patience in eliminating this habit.

If you would notice, most advises in preventing snoring concern lifestyle-changing practices. This is because snoring, as a whole, don't necessarily have to root from biological causes while we may find sufferers who are actually bothered by nasal deformities or extra large adenoids and tonsils.

Next article still talking about how to stop snoring.

snoring remedies


How To Stop Snoring: Ways to Treat the Nighttime Dilemma (snoring remedies)

>> Tuesday, May 26, 2009

snoring remedies

Snoring Remedies

The most often question raised to any condition is - can it be cured? Well, that actually depends on the nature of the disease, disorder, or syndrome and what knowledge do the medical and scientific communities have with regards to the problem.

Luckily, snoring is not much of a difficult condition to treat (snoring remedy). The nature of which is also well-known that most consider it normal. So normal that many tend not to get bothered of its effects, especially when mild.

Treatments for snoring (snoring solution) depend on the diagnosis gathered. While snoring may appear to have no types, it must be understood that there are certain kinds of snoring that excessively disrupts sleep and there are those that do not cause any harm at all.

Examination of the physiology and anatomy of the throat and the underlying tissues will reveal where the problems root. Usually, snoring stems from loose muscles that flaps back and forth when air runs through the throat. However, this is not always the case. Sometimes, snoring can also be due to allergies, deformities, infections and abnormal enlargement of adenoids and tonsils. All of which, if carefully examined, will lead us back to the obstruction of air passage.

Normally, prevention of the main causes can treat snoring. This includes abstinence from smoking, drinking alcohol and other relaxants, and maintenance of an ideal weight. All these have adverse effects not only on the body but can directly cause loose muscles to vibrate abnormally.

Treatments to stop snoring can include lifestyle-changing habits, use of stop snoring aids and more intensive surgeries. The choice is normally set for the snorer to take, depending on the aggravation of the condition.

As we have mentioned earlier, simple measures can contribute largely to the treatment of the condition. Stop snoring aids (snoring remedies), on the other hand, would require patience to find what fits for you.

The market offers a great variety of snoring aids including nasal breathing devices, adjustable beds, oral and dental appliances and pressurized masks.

Nasal breathing devices normally aim to keep your nasal passages open or your jaws from dropping. You may find nasal strips, nasal clips, chin up strips and chin straps under this category. These products normally require you to breathe using your nose rather than your mouth since mouth breathing typically ends up to snoring. It has been observed that a switch from mouth to nasal breathing can eliminate a number of snoring types.

Mouth pieces or oral devices aim to position the tongue away from blocking the air passage. You should seek dental specialist if you are considering the use of such devices as solutions to nighttime dilemma.

Surgery, on the other hand, is an irreversible decision. Therefore, you should be careful if you truly are considering this option. Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty or UPPP is known to be the traditional method of trimming excess tissues in the throat. A more modern approach uses laser thus the name Laser-Assisted Uvulopalatoplasty or LAUP.

Removal of unnecessary tissues in the throat enlarges the air passage which helps reduce the collapse of the muscles.

Approaches to be used in line with your condition vary according to your personal preference and the immediate need to cure your condition. It is best to seek medical help first or get yourself educated with your options before running under the knife or strapping your mouth with some (snoring) device.

Snoring Remedies


Stop Snoring Remedies: From Nasal Sprays to Surgeries

stop snoring remedies

stop snoring remedies

Snoring would have been nothing if all people sleep alone in their solo beds, away from anyone that could hear. But as we all know, most of us have bed partners who are often get annoyed with sleep-disturbing noises.

Good thing, there is already a wide spectrum of stop snoring remedies that may find yours (or your partner's) relief.

Nasal sprays are normally used by mild snorers who would not want to get bothered with attaching nasal strips and clips at night or of taking the permanence of nasal surgeries.

While reports on the use of nasal sprays vary, it still shows that some snorers find good use in them.

Nasal sprays work by tightening and lubricating the muscles surrounding the throat and the mouth. This way, the vibration caused by excess muscles would be set off, thus the production of sounds can be prevented. There are no definite claims on the lasting effects of such sprays so they would only be effective so long as the use is continued.

Nasal sprays are not only helpful for mild snorers. Snoring may also occur due to change of weather, diet or any factor that can trigger its causes. Such cases can be resolved through using nasal sprays.

While most stop snoring remedies focus on the obstructive tissues that cause the blockages in the air passages, there are those that resolve things through keeping the outside mechanisms from triggering the snores.

Chin cushions and chinstraps will keep your mouth in place. But how does keeping one's mouth close helps against snoring?

Well, there are types of snorers who breathe on their mouths. Mouth breathing is known to be one of the many causes of the vibrating sounds during sleep. It has been observed that once breathing is shifted towards nasal processes, some types of snoring can be helped (snoring solution).

When one's mouth is open, the jaw will drop. Thus, creating space where the tongue may fall back towards the throat. When this occurs, vibration is possible. If one's tongue is kept from collapsing, it is less likely that the throat would produce snores.

The chinstrap works by holding the jaws together which prevent them from falling apart. Chin cushions, on the other hand, have the added benefits of preventing the head from dropping forward. This way, easier breathing can be facilitated since the airways are wider when the head is kept back.

Taping the mouth can often be awkward but this does not necessarily mean that the technique is ineffective.

Chin up strips are tapes worn beneath the mouth to help redirect mouth breathing towards nasal breathing. The advantage of which is that it does not prevent the mouth from moving freely through covering it but it lays its support at the bottom of the lip. Thus, one can sneeze, cough and breathe in the mouth at will. The disadvantage though is that when this occurs, the effectivity of the chin up strip is lessened.

All how to stop snoring (
snoring remedies) mentioned here are just aids to relieve you from the troubles of snoring. They can't exactly cure your condition. If you want permanent solution, the best option you may run to is surgery. Be careful though that long term effects (and possible damage) go with this decision. Careful examination of your condition must be delivered and thoughtful decision making must be made.

stop snoring remedies


Snoring Remedies: Snoring by Nature Is…

>> Monday, May 25, 2009

stop snoring remedies

Snoring Remedies

There is over 300 anti snoring devices invented since the first innovative tennis-ball-in-a-sock which by the way primarily helps prevent patients from sleeping on their backs. Other devices however, initiate unpleasant stimuli everytime a person snores. However, it must be noted that snoring is not subjected to our voluntary faculties. If one device really does stop you from snoring (snoring solution), then it might be credited to the fact that you were kept awake all night…without one sweet dream.

It all lies in the abnormality of the air passage. Free flow of air is needed to facilitate regular breathing. With problem snoring, it is likely that any part of the area at the back of the mouth and the nose strike constantly. Thus, the vibration in breathing.

It may be that some people consider snoring as a non-serious condition but in fact, the opposite is true. People who suffer from snoring normally have disrupted sleep that deprives them of having normal and comfortable sleep. And when the condition gets aggravated, the snorer normally will have long-term health problems including obstructive sleep apnea. And besides, this actually causes patients embarrassment and oftentimes affects another person's sleep.

Obstructive sleep apnea, on the other hand, is the condition by which snoring is constantly interrupted with total obstruction of breathing. This occurs at an average of ten seconds long and may happen at around 7 times in an hour. Thus, the patient may suffer from 30 episodes up to 300 episodes in one night alone.

Such episodes will reduce the level of oxygen in the blood, which drives the heart to pump harder.

Immediate effects include a forced light sleep so that he may keep his muscles in tensed state. This will help facilitate a regular flow of air in the lungs. This then results to unrelaxed rest. Thus, throughout the day he will become sleepy which causes him not to function well. This then will contribute largely to the enlargement of the heart and raised blood pressure.

There are various contributors on the severity of snoring. These include:

Mouth anatomy
Snoring usually concerns the tissues involved in breathing. There are a couple of reasons why the air passage is narrow, which is itself, a good contributor to problem snoring. This may be due to enlarged tonsils, elongated soft palate and thick soft palate, and abnormality in the tissues at the back of the throat. These can all cause obstruction in the air passage.

Alcohol consumption
Any factor that can help relax the muscles of the throat more are effective causes of snoring. Due to the fact that alcohol is a sedative substance, it acts upon the muscles in the throat as a relaxant. Thus, regular intake of alcohol during near bedtime can cause disruptive snoring.

Sleep apnea
More often than not, snoring is associated with obstructive sleep apnea. It is best that you are well diagnosed so that due treatment can be processed.

Nasal problems
It may also be that biological factors can intrude to the normal passage of air in your throat. The underlying part of the nose, termed to as the bridge is the nasal septum. When this partition is quite crooked or there is any nasal congestion due to this, snoring would occur.

As we have earlier mentioned, there are so many attempts to set off snoring. (stop snoring) However, one of the most effective is the surgery in which permanent treatment is applied.

If you are a sufferer from snoring, it is best that you get early diagnosis (
Snoring Remedies). While it may not be a life-threatening condition, it is still very likely that your condition gets severe.

I hope this article could preliminary answering the question of how to stop snoring, because I still want to share anything about snoring remedies and snoring solutions. Please keep to use your snoring earplugs for this time ok :)

Snoring Remedies


Causes of Snoring (snoring remedies)

>> Sunday, May 24, 2009

snoring remedies

snoring remedies

So what truly cause snoring. This may be quite a hard-to-answer question when were talking of only one cause. For in fact, there are many basic contributors that all funnel into the greater source of the problem.

Medically, snoring is defined as a noise caused by vibration from the airways of the respiratory tract that only appears during sleep.

The big question here is that, why, of all state, do we only experience snoring during restful moments?

Well, while we breathe 24/7, the likelihood that one snores during waking hours is very slim. This is due to the factor that only relaxed muscles can result to snoring.

During sleep, all our voluntary muscles are relaxed. The throat, in the same way as the triceps are relaxed is also resting while we sleep. The fact that tissues in the throat are soft, adds to the eventual output of vibrating sounds.

Once this tissue eases out, the passage of air will turn into a narrower passage. As you can see, narrowed passages causes louder noise because there is more room for friction, thus the vibration.

These same factors are also pointed as the reasons why there are differences in the loudness, pitch and tone of snores.

The loudness of snore is affected by the force of the wind that comes through the air passages. Therefore, when the speed of wind is faster, the snore, in general, is louder and more resonant. This answers why babies are capable of snoring too. However, theirs is not typically considered as snoring but only as mild noises created by the respiratory tract. This must never be ignored though since it may be the early sign that something is jammed in your child's respiration tunnel.

But while it may appear to both genders at any age, men are more often affected by this condition than women and middle-aged men are most likely to be the victims.

This is due to the reason that men have more fleshy necks since theirs are a bit wider than women's. This factor combined with the speed of air, the result is most likely to be snoring.

Meanwhile, women by nature produce progesterone hormones. This is known to inhibit snoring, thus they are less susceptible towards the irritable sounds. Because this actual hormone helps in relieving a person from this nighttime dilemma, some anti-snoring devices are known to use progesterone as their basic ingredient.

Lifestyle and health factors are also thought of as culprits of snoring. These include:

1. Allergies that cause clogs in the air paths.
2. Drying of the nasal cavities due to several elements including allergy medications.
3. Cold and flu, this explains why some people only experience snoring when they are sick.
4. Excessive intake of alcohol.
5. Thickening of the tissues along the nasal passage. Often, surgeries done on conditions not directly related to snoring can also contribute to the frequency and intensity of the snores.
6. Abnormally large belly or guts.
7. Irritation of the air passages due to overuse of nasal sprays.
8. Abnormal enlargement of the tonsils or the adenoids.
9. Smoking which causes inflammation in the air passages.
10. Swelling of the thyroid gland or goiter.
11. Blockage of the airflow due to large tongue.
12. Medications that initiate relaxation
13. Obesity
14. Inefficient neural control on the nasal membranes.

In the next article I will share again about cause of snoring. After that, you will find very interesting articles that tell you how to stop snoring and anything about snoring remedies.

snoring remedies


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